søndag 11. november 2012

USA - The United States of America


  • The country is located in North America, with a coastline to the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Sea. USA boarders to both Canada and Mexico.
  • Third largest country in the world in terms of area and population.
  • 50 states.
  • Capital is Washington DC.
  • The biggest in terms of area is Alaska. Based on population is California the biggest.
  • USA is a republic. This means that every 4th year the people vote for a head of state which is called a "President".
  • The currency used is US Dollar.
  • The national day (independents day) is 4th of july (1776). 
  • The national bird is the bald Eagle, which also is considered to be a symbol of USA.
  •  One third of all americans are considered to be obese.
  • The state of Alaska has a coastline 
    which is longer then then the coast of all the other 49 states put together.
  • There are three towns in United States that have the name "Santa Claus".

This is a picture which I associate with the United States. It describes my impression of the country. 
The American dream is a known term in the The United States. The meaning is that you can work your way to the top. I think it is a big paradox, because the US is a country where capital means everything. If your from the right family, you don not need to work. If you come from a poor family, you can not get anywhere. 
In a way, the United States is the home of capitalism. 


http://www.propertyshowrooms.com/usa/guide/usa-facts.asp, 10.11.12
http://www.50states.com, 10.11.12

Picure: http://flic2k.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/enjoy-capitalism.png, 10.11.12

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