torsdag 15. november 2012

The American Dream

I wrote a bit about the "American Dream" in my last blogpost, and I am going to explain the term more thoroughly in this post. I will also write my one opinion about the concept.

The "American Dream" is a term that is used in a number of ways. The essential idea is that people can be successful in life through hard work, regardless of their background. Anything is attainable if you put enough effort in to it.
The term was born when the new continent was discovered, and people started to emigrate to the "New World"(America). The emigrant had a dream that  they would own land and establish a new an successful life. The Statue of Liberty is in a way a symbol of the "American Dream". It was the immigrates first view of America.
The concept of an "American dream" has been a subject given a lot of criticism. The idea that everyone has got the same opportunity to make it, is not exactly reality. The concept is based on a classless society, where all people have the same possibilities. The structure of the American society makes it hard to believe. I think that gender, ethical origin, rase and what class in society you come from effect the possibility of being successful.

I don't thick that the"American Dream" is realistic to the full extent, but I believe that it is partly valid. I believe that the fundamental idea to have hope and to believe that you have a potential of change your life into something better. This is something everybody can archive. Success is relative. Living the dream can be interpreted in a lot of ways. 


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