onsdag 8. mai 2013

Attitudes Towards the US

The American popular culture is embraced by countries across the globe. The US is also being admired for their technology and science, but there are not only positive attitudes towards the US. The US forerun policy, business model and democratic ideology are the things people are most critical towards. The global public attitudes have changes for the positive in the last few years, after the Bush administration. The views towards American culture have especially changed in Europe, but also in other regions.


søndag 20. januar 2013


Scotland is a country in northwest Europe, in the northern part of the United Kingdom. The country consists of about 790 islands in addition to the main land. These include the Hebrides and the Northern Isles.
Scotland shares a boarder with England in south. The country has a major coastline, the North Sea in east, the Atlantic Ocean in north and west and the Irish Sea and the North Channel in southwest.

Scotland’s national flag is called “The cross of St. Andrews“ or “The Saltire”.

The capitol of Scotland is Edinburgh, which also it the second largest city by population (440 000).  Edinburgh is situated in the southeast of Scotland and is the largest city by area.
The largest city in Scotland by population is called Glasgow. The city of Glasgow is situated in the center of Scotland and has a population of 685 000.

The third largest city is Aberdeen. The city is known as the oil capital of Europe.
Scotland is about 79 000 square miles in area, which makes it the second largest part of the United Kingdom in bout area and population. There are about 5,3 million inhabitants in Scotland.
(Numbers used are from: Projectbritain.com and Thelegraph.co.uk)

Map of Scotland
The head of state in Scotland is the monarch in the United Kingdom, who currently is Queen Elizabeth the second. Before the country became a part of the United Kingdom (1.May 1707) it was an independent kingdom called “the Kingdom of Scotland”. 

Even thought Scotland is a part of the UK, the country has got its own parliament (since 1999). The parliament is responsible for cases that concerning local government, education, health and social work services. In addition to having its own parliament Scotland also has got its own legal system.

Scotland has very different nature and geography than the rest of the British Islands. The mountains and laces (or lochs) are common scenery in Scotland. The highest mountain in the UK is situated in Scotland. The mountain is called Ben Nevis and is 1343 meters above sea level. The biggest lake in UK is also situated in Scotland, Loch Lomond that extends over 70 square meters.  Furthermore, the deepest lake in the UK and maybe the most famous lake in the word is located in Scotland. Loch Ness is 229 meters deep and is known for the famous legend of the Loch Ness monster.

The main language spoken in Scotland is English Scottish, a dialect of the English language. The native language in Scotland is Scottish Gaelic. This is a Celtic language that is spoken by about 80 000 Scotts. (Swipnet.se) The Celtic language is mainly spoken in the western Highland and in the Hebrides. The last language spoken in Scotland is scots.

The currency used in Scotland is the same as the rest of the UK, pounds (£).The official religion in Scotland is Christianity.

The national animal of Scotland is actually the unicorn.

Scotland has the highest percent of red-haired people in the world. About 13 per cent of the population is considered redheads. (Thelegraph.co.uk)

Things we may think is Scottish symbols, like kilts and bagpipes, are actually not Scottish. Kilts originally were developed in Ireland and bagpipes have an origin for central Asia.


Projectbritain.com, ”Facts about Scotland”, http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/britain/scotland.htm, (19.01.13)

Thelegraph.co.uk, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scotland/scottish-politics/9007300/Scottish-referendum-50-fascinating-facts-you-should-know-about-Scotland.html, (19.01.13)


tirsdag 4. desember 2012

8 Mile

Curtis Hanson`s “8 Mile” was created in 2002. The urban drama “8 Mile” is an American film written by Scott Silver (IMBD.com).
The film is dealing with the concept of an “American dream” and whether or not it exists. The story revolves around the main character Jimmy Smith, also known as B-Rabbit among his friends. Eminem plays the young upcoming rapper. Eminem or Marshall Bruce Matters is a well know American artist. The film is semi-autobiographical, which mean that some aspects of the plot are based on events in Eminem’s life and early career. The story takes place in Detroit, Michigan.

Summary of the plot
The opening scene is in the rap club. The main character Jimmy is preparing for a rap battle. He chokes and is booed of stage.
Jimmy leaves his pregnant girlfriend and moves in with his mother. His going to earn so money so he can make a demo. He is working at the local factory.
He meats and engage in a relationship with Alex, how also is trying to make it across the 8 mile.
Jimmy realizes that music is the only thing for his future. And he is going to make it on his one.
The definite climax is when Rabbit engage in a verbal battle with the defending champion of the competition; Papa Doc. Rabbit ends up victorious.

Setting, Theme and Conflict
The film takes up a lot of important issues. Among them are segregation and the class society. The film demonstrates the obstacles that make the American dream a paradox. It shows how difficult it actually is to make it and become successful. The film demonstrates that everyone doesn’t have the same possibilities to be successful.

Because of his white skin tone, Jimmy has great difficulty trying to land a record deal. Since he is living in the poor black part of Detroit, his chances of making it in the music industry are small.

The title of the film refers to a street in Detroit with the same name. The street is in a way a border between the poor and the rich side of town. The northern suburbs are were the rich white people live. While the poor black people live in the city. The setting is in this area.

The conflict in the film is between the main character and society. The situation for the main character is difficult. Not unlike the other people in the city of Detroit. The city is in an economic crisis due to the de-industrialization. A lot of people are being laid off work, which leads to poverty. A consequence of this is a growth in crime rates.
Jimmy`s family is poor and they live in a trailer. Jimmy stays with his mother. He is desperate to make his life better and get out of the trailer park.

The soundtrack to the movie is Eminem`s “Lose Yourself”. The lyrics of the text are relevant to the plot. They are about taking chances and to pursue a dream.

The theme of the story is, as I’ve mention earlier, the “American dream”.
Does the concept exist or is it just a “dream”. I’ve discussed this in an earlier blog post and I still believe it exists to some extent. The film has the same perspective.
Jimmy makes it out of the gutter by working hard, but his opportunities are faint because of his skin tone and social class. In the film, Jimmy makes it from rags to riches by working for it.

Important Characters (IMDB.com)
Jimmy Smith – Eminem (Marshall Matters)
Stephanie Smith (The mother) – Kim Basieger
Lily Smith (Little sister) – Taryn Manning
Alex - Brittany Murphy
David “Future” Porter – Mekhi Phifer
Cheddar Bob – Evan Jones

·      IMDB.com, 8 Mile, 2003, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298203/ (02.12.12)
·      Wisegeek.com, http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-american-dream.htm, (02.12.12)
·      Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/2002/11/11/cx_da_1111topnews.html, (02.12.12)

torsdag 15. november 2012

The American Dream

I wrote a bit about the "American Dream" in my last blogpost, and I am going to explain the term more thoroughly in this post. I will also write my one opinion about the concept.

The "American Dream" is a term that is used in a number of ways. The essential idea is that people can be successful in life through hard work, regardless of their background. Anything is attainable if you put enough effort in to it.
The term was born when the new continent was discovered, and people started to emigrate to the "New World"(America). The emigrant had a dream that  they would own land and establish a new an successful life. The Statue of Liberty is in a way a symbol of the "American Dream". It was the immigrates first view of America.

The concept of an "American dream" has been a subject given a lot of criticism. The idea that everyone has got the same opportunity to make it, is not exactly reality. The concept is based on a classless society, where all people have the same possibilities. The structure of the American society makes it hard to believe. I think that gender, ethical origin, rase and what class in society you come from effect the possibility of being successful.


I don't thick that the"American Dream" is realistic to the full extent, but I believe that it is partly valid. I believe that the fundamental idea to have hope and to believe that you have a potential of change your life into something better. This is something everybody can archive. Success is relative. Living the dream can be interpreted in a lot of ways. 



søndag 11. november 2012

USA - The United States of America


  • The country is located in North America, with a coastline to the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Sea. USA boarders to both Canada and Mexico.
  • Third largest country in the world in terms of area and population.
  • 50 states.
  • Capital is Washington DC.
  • The biggest in terms of area is Alaska. Based on population is California the biggest.
  • USA is a republic. This means that every 4th year the people vote for a head of state which is called a "President".
  • The currency used is US Dollar.
  • The national day (independents day) is 4th of july (1776). 
  • The national bird is the bald Eagle, which also is considered to be a symbol of USA.
  •  One third of all americans are considered to be obese.
  • The state of Alaska has a coastline 
    which is longer then then the coast of all the other 49 states put together.
  • There are three towns in United States that have the name "Santa Claus".

This is a picture which I associate with the United States. It describes my impression of the country. 
The American dream is a known term in the The United States. The meaning is that you can work your way to the top. I think it is a big paradox, because the US is a country where capital means everything. If your from the right family, you don not need to work. If you come from a poor family, you can not get anywhere. 
In a way, the United States is the home of capitalism. 


http://www.propertyshowrooms.com/usa/guide/usa-facts.asp, 10.11.12
http://www.50states.com, 10.11.12

Picure: http://flic2k.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/enjoy-capitalism.png, 10.11.12